Mental Map - Christa Clark Jones
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Mental Map - Christa Clark Jones
I often wonder how cities and civilizations grow and die. I know my impressions are influenced by both where I live now and where I have lived in the past. It has been almost ten years since I left my home town Oxnard, a place that I compare to Santa Barbara. Living in downtown Santa Barbara, a place I adore, I search for the heart of the city. At the Presidio I see so many inspiring people working to develop the historic site. At the same time, I feel the pull of being in beautiful nearby places: the Ellwood Mesa, Butterfly Beach, and on the Riviera. The ship, coming from the Southwest, represents the sea and, I think, my thirst to understand the vast ocean of dreams and stories that sweep through our collective memories and give meaning to our lives.
Christa Clark Jones
SBTHP Public Relations and Membership Coordinator
SBTHP Public Relations and Membership Coordinator
December 12, 2012
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Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Physical Dimensions
4 1/8" x 5 7/8"
Christa Clark Jones
SBTHP Public Relations and Membership Coordinator, “Mental Map - Christa Clark Jones,” Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation: Digital Collections, accessed February 23, 2025,