Richard Oglesby Oral History
Dublin Core
Richard Oglesby Oral History
Richard Oglesby is former President and longtime active member of SBTHP. He was a Professor of California history and the American West and had been teaching at a university in Illinois when he accepted a position at UCSB in 1965, where he taught until his retirement in 1993. During his time with SBTHP, Richard took part in several influential projects, including the reconstruction of the Padre’s Quarters, and took great care in working to maintain the authenticity of Santa Barbara’s historic buildings and worked to further the public’s education of their city’s unique past.
Above Photo: Richard Oglesby and Mary Louise Days at the Cañedo Adobe/Presidio Visitor Center, August 30, 2012.
Clip 1: Richard recalls the mysterious yet fateful phone call from Pearl Chase he received shortly after his arrival in Santa Barbara, which he attributes to his ventures in Santa Barbara history.
Clip 2: Despite the physical labor that all of the adobe brick making required, Richard describes how the completion of the Padre’s Quarters reconstruction is one of his most sentimental memories of his time with the Trust.
Clip 3: Demonstrating both his and the Trust’s avid dedication to an authentic reconstruction of the Presidio, Richard remembers recruiting Gil Sanchez, an architect known for his work in restoration and preservation who assured the Trust that he could design a faithful adobe reconstruction of the Chapel.
Clip 4: Richard shares how not even a one million dollar offer could persuade Trust members to limit their vision in the 1980s of reconstructing the entire Presidio.
*To hear the entire oral history interview or additional clips, please make an appointment with the Presidio Research Center at (805) 966-5073.
Above Photo: Richard Oglesby and Mary Louise Days at the Cañedo Adobe/Presidio Visitor Center, August 30, 2012.
Clip 1: Richard recalls the mysterious yet fateful phone call from Pearl Chase he received shortly after his arrival in Santa Barbara, which he attributes to his ventures in Santa Barbara history.
Clip 2: Despite the physical labor that all of the adobe brick making required, Richard describes how the completion of the Padre’s Quarters reconstruction is one of his most sentimental memories of his time with the Trust.
Clip 3: Demonstrating both his and the Trust’s avid dedication to an authentic reconstruction of the Presidio, Richard remembers recruiting Gil Sanchez, an architect known for his work in restoration and preservation who assured the Trust that he could design a faithful adobe reconstruction of the Chapel.
Clip 4: Richard shares how not even a one million dollar offer could persuade Trust members to limit their vision in the 1980s of reconstructing the entire Presidio.
*To hear the entire oral history interview or additional clips, please make an appointment with the Presidio Research Center at (805) 966-5073.
August 30, 2012
Oral History Item Type Metadata
Richard Oglesby
Old Presidio Research Center
1 hour, 54 minutes
“Richard Oglesby Oral History,” Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation: Digital Collections, accessed March 14, 2025,