I feel like the intersection of Canon Perdido and Santa Barbara Streets has been the center of my universe for the entire 1.5 years I have lived in Santa Barbara. I came here to be the Presidio Research Center Librarian so this place has been the…
After completing his map, Tim discussed how some of his most vivid memories of the Presidio include sun-dried adobe brick spread out across the parade grounds.
I understand maps - at least of places I’m more familiar with - as layers of experiences spatially oriented. This one is not a literal representation (because I’m not a city planner or an architect or a realist artist). Think of it as a really rough…
My time at SBTHP has been spent constantly learning. So, while SB originated at the Presidio, all around town I have flashes of something I learned or my experiences at SBTHP that I tell to visitors and my friends/family that visit.…
As you may know, I was the Channel Coast District Superintendent for CA State Parks from August 2000 until December 2006, before retiring from State service in 2007. During my tenure as District Superintendent, my focus in working with the SBTHP was…